I almost popped, and maybe I should have, but I didn't.
You see, I sat thinking and talking about Christ and the concept of prayer; discussing the process of living with Him constantly.
And I saw so plainly with God's eyes something I've never seen before: I saw the right answers being given, but with a wrong heart.
By this I mean something really simple: in this world, average people may not be able to see past your mask of imperfection; but when it comes to God, he goes way beyond your worldly misconceptions. God "shows up" and walks with you, whether you're in step with him or not.
And while I sat, sharing and exposing my Christian life I felt less than led. I felt as if the people that I was surrounding myself with justified this weird place I'm in spiritually. I felt like there was less listening, and more rushing. I felt like the surface level lesson wasn't enough, yet it repelled from getting deep.
So, while I was reading my couples devotional tonight, Before You Say "I Do" by H. Norman Wright I became encouraged. The concept of today's message was simple: God is always constant and he's always the one waiting on us. God is waiting for you and me to be the ones to approach him.
So whether we are just skimming by or we are digging deep, God is available and present for us to reach out to Him.
I think sometimes we get so comfortable in our walk, we don't even think about renewing our spirit daily. We forget to be bold in our faith, and more often than not we come up with excuses and attempt to be the world's version of "normal."
I can't tell you how many times, and how sick I am of hearing people respond with the typical Sunday school answer to Christ filled questions. Now this isn't to say I'm not guilty of it, but I so crave to dig for more truth. I want to break free from this comfortable habit.
I plan on doing this by starting to listen. I think it is one of the many acts that will direct a person, like myself to become less selfish and more others centered.
So to you, my 0 readers, do your best to listen more not just to others, but also to God. And then you can better see what it really is that the Lord is teaching you.
And maybe, if you're in a spiritual rut, we can get out of this together. I'm sick of waiting and procrastinating.
God is there. God is good. God is waiting.
It's time I desperately search for Him.
I Am Blessed |