A couple weeks ago I left my puppy in the rain. It wasn't intentional, of course, I merely forgot to check the weather one sunny morning and alas he was drenched way before I could commit to making it home.
Gibson obviously wasn't thrilled about the situation, but he got over it quickly upon sight of his mother returning home. I genuinely think that it wasn't the fact I was there to rescue him from the wetness that Gibson was happy to see me. It wasn't that he was finally going to get warm, or that I would soon dry him off. No, Gibson was simply happy to see the human for which his tail wags the most for - me.
When it comes to Christ how often do we seek Him for the rewards and all the benefits He gives us? Surely we will be blessed with a fantastic home when we leave Earth, but isn't there more to Christianity than the ultimate satisfaction of Heaven? I choose not to follow Jesus because he will open the golden gates for me when the time comes...
I choose to follow Jesus because my life on this planet would be worthless without Him.
I choose Jesus. I choose Him because He is the only good thing in this rain of the world. I don't choose Him to just be rescued from the storm, but to be lead me in the path that I might lead His people. I choose Jesus.
I don't choose Jesus only for the reward of Heaven. I want Jesus. I want Him more than I want to be intimate with my future husband, I want Jesus more than I want to give into everyday temptations. I want God more than I want all the success and riches of this world.
If there was no benefit of Heaven at the end of this life, I still want what my God has to offer here and now. Whether this be serving in a church, communicating for a nonprofit or even ministering in Africa... I want His presence, His love, His Holy Spirit. I don't follow Christ for the finish line, but also for the race.
Christianity isn't just about the rescue from the rain, but the experience during the storm. We need to sing praise to our Father for life, for blessings for hardships. God doesn't need to be only pulled out in times of need, but in all situations. We are given this day, this adventure to live in.
What are you doing today that makes a difference in your running of the raise? Are you running the race to reach the end, or are you running for the bigger prize? The prize of winning souls to Christ not because you want them to be "normal," but because you don't want them to keep missing out on such a glorious gift. And selfishly you can't imagine partying in Heaven without them by your side.
Start running the race. Start enjoying the everyday happenings. There is more to this day than getting dried off. So don't just sit back and wait to be rescued, God is here. Now. Start loving to live in His marvelous name. Shine in the storm.