Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This is the start of something new...

So, for about a year now I have had a desire to begin a collection. This thought has pondered my mind continually. It wasn't until I was shopping for work in Atlanta last January that what i would begin collecting finally hit me.

I had thought about collecting everything from aprons to teapots, and broaches to coffee mugs. I knew that whatever I decided to acquire I wanted it to resemble me in some way. I wanted it to reflect my passions and relate to my personality. I wanted my combination of goodies to be original as well as easy and trendy to display.

After much thought, like I said, I dedicated my collection to the finding of retro cameras. The rules of this process are simple: 1) only add to your collection through gifts and 2) tangible purchases. The reason I limited my collection to these two rules is because I want to eliminate the ease of purchasing online. I feel like a collection is divine through one's accumulation process. I want my collection to take time and be priceless to me individually.

For this reason my accumulation of treasures has been minimal. Spring of 2010 I received an older film camera from my uncle and that was the only piece to my wishful display. But yesterday, in the midst of scrummaging through used clothing for my Zimbabwe mission... I found it.

This old Kodak camera is the coolest. I found it - disclaimer: my roommate actually showed it to me - and I knew it had to make it to my shelves. It has a little case and strap to go with it and it just looks so nifty!

Here's a snapshot of it sitting on my desk's bookshelf. Let me know what you think.

What is it that you collect? Or what do you dream of collecting?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Classic Treasures

My heart aches for some fabulous finds off of - here are some most recent finds that demand a surplus of attention.

I apologize in advance for any purchases you might make after this post. However, in my defense all of these treasures are reasonably priced and exceptionally happy.


Vintage locket
Luxedeluxe - this would NEVER leave my finger.

Cat eye sunglasses
Tangerine blouse

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy days ahead

This summer shall be jam packed with recipes and adventure.

I am ready, are you?