Saturday, September 29, 2012

Crash. Boom. Bang.

My computer has died. Or, at least the hard drive has decided that it doesn't want to work anymore. Joy. While that could be an excellent excuse for my lack of writing lately... It isn't.

Honestly, I haven't felt the need to put energy into my blog. I am graduating in December, I'm getting married in March and I am attempting to strive at my career without failing. And more often than not, I feel like this blog is something I do for myself that gets lost in a cyberland where no one cares. But, that's no excuse.

When you approach someone or something and you begin to feel defeated does that make you give up? Hopefully not. In our walk with Christ we often engage ourselves in relationships or experiences that are way over our head sometimes, but with the unimaginable help from our Savior, we always seem to get through it. Everyday. Day by day. Minute by minute. Step by step. We make it.

"Your Father knows that you need these things. His Kingdom, and these things will be added to you. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:30-32

So, I will chose not to give up. I chose not to die out like my MacBook did. Instead, I will drive my blog - full force - and experience life with you (let's pretend I have readers.)

So, I encourage you to stay posted. I just got engaged, you know :) and I have stories to tell, oh boy, do I have stories to tell!

Ps: thanks to my encouraging commenter who reminded me of what I started here.


  1. Ran across your blog as I was preparing some communications materials for my church today. Just wanted to encourage you a bit by passing along some words that have inspired me as I pursue this awesome adventure of being loved by Jesus.

    Do the crazy thing,
    the hard-to-imagine-but-somehow-you-did thing,
    the brings-you-to-your-knees thing,
    the no-one-would-ever-do-it-that-way-thing,
    the safety-net-would-not-even-matter thing,
    the it-could-kill-you-but-not-trying-is-another-kind-of-death thing,
    the thing on your heart
    do it
    and let them gasp right before they call it a thing of wonder.

    Ciona Rouse

    1. Sweet, sweet Caris. Thank you. This comment is such a blessing to me! I am genuinely grateful for you taking the time to read, and share a comment in regards to my posts. Good luck with church work, it isn't easy, but man it is so good! Especially the communications elements! That's my speciality!
