Monday, October 17, 2011

Be transformed

Life has been such and interesting thing I'm swept up in recently. It's been a couple of days since I have posted in this, and in the midst of it all I've been a little bit overwhelmed. Between all my school work, work-work, and life there's just been a lot going on.

I think that the Lord has plans, and I am convinced he has something delightful ahead. That the struggles I will face are not just trials to show I trust God, but they are opportunities which are programed to set me off track. But, I am so lucky at how big God is because he is stronger than anything else.

On Sunday I had to open the sermon at church, and it was interesting to go up in front of the congregation after my printer refused to print my "script" and the internet wouldn't let it email it to myself. I really had to let the Lord lead, trust is vital to our relationship with Him.

We had a guest speaker who preached about witnessing, he was so good! He was funny, and you could tell he cherished every moment of life. He seized every moment with the world.

He talked about living for Christ while riding the elevator. His thought process is being stuck with them for a few floors could be enough to change lives. Beautiful.

Being in Christ means you can't be of this world, so what if we look weird? Do not conform to this world any longer, but be transformed.

Today's post is looking back at my visit to the farmers market with Dillon, and my best friend, Ashley and her hilarious boyfriend, Harrison. I might add how perfect they are for each other! It makes me so happy to see them happy.

Love is lovely. And so is fall, it's my favorite time of year. Yeah!

Shine throughout the world this week, share your light and don't let anything get away from you loving the Lord.

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