Sunday, March 18, 2012

Give me a break

Today marks the end of my last undergrad spring break. My "junior" status in school has been promoted to senior as I project a December graduation. Thus, while writing this blog it came to my attention that having delightful "just because you deserve it" breaks will be coming to a complete end. Unfortuantley, spring break won't happen when I'm a "real person." By real person, I mean an adult.

Ohh, my.... I just cringed a little at the thought.

Nonetheless, I will look back on this week and cherish the little spontaneity I had.  I am well pleased with the extra hours of sleep, the pain in my legs from a decent run and the excitement for the new things that have been introduced into my life.

Instead of giving you a split second recap of my entire break in one blog I decided it'd be best to formulate a few blogs about the days I spent not doing homework.

I will start with the highlight of my entire week.


On Wednesday I went into the woods with Dillon, my handsome boyfriend, and Gibson, my adventurous pup.

The weather was perfect, the water was cold and the sun was shining. Needless to say, the hike was perfection. That is until Dillon twisted his ankle, but we won't focus on that part.

I have come to terms that the only time my dog ever really behaves is when he's in the woods. I'm not sure why, but I can let him off his leash and pretty much guarantee he'll be nearby rolling in the mud, running the trail or smelling a bush in our path.

It's amazing how good he is.

Gibson climbs rocks like he was born with thumbs and swims in the water as if he were native to it. Ironically, the same goes for Dillon but lucky for him - he was born with thumbs.

I, however, get somewhat prissy when it comes to being dangerous and always sometimes require a piggy-back ride.

On a complete side note, I have lost my red lipstick! It's time to buy a new stick, any suggestions to a "kiss-proof" brand?


  1. hey laura! thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!! (how'd you find it?!)
    your Gibson is precious- gosh- i love fun, sweet, big pups :)

    reading thru your blog I really wanted to pass one along to my sister (almost 17) the modest is hottest post- that was great. i enjoy what you write about, i'm not a great writer so i stick to lots of photos, and for whatever reason my personal & spiritual thoughts are kept in a journal (granted a blog can be a journal of sorts) or prayers and not out in the so awesome for that bravery!

    anyhow, it's a scary & exciting time "being an adult" but so worth it! :)
    please stop by again! i'd love that!

  2. Jamie - thanks for stopping by! I'm kinda crazy about Gibbs, he's handsome, isn't he?

    There is nothing wrong with journals; in fact, the more personal goodness in my life always goes in a prayer journal of mine! You're pictures are delightful, and what you do with your blog is brilliant. I will definitely stay updated, and you do the same here! :)
